Our Values

We Value...

Jesus Christ:

As our Saviour, Healer, Baptiser in the Holy Spirit, and Coming King.
[John 3:16, Matthew 8:16, Acts 1:8, John 14:3]


Everything we accomplish is done through prayer.
[Philippians 4:6]

The Bible:

We read it, we teach it, and we live by it. We are committed to the Bible as the Word of God, and as our rule for life and conduct.
[2 Timothy 3:16]

Praise and Worship:

We are so excited about God that we want to give Him Extravagant Praise.
[Psalm 96:4, Psalm 103:2]

Sharing the Love of Jesus with Everyone:

Taking every opportunity to share the exciting Good News that we can have Eternal Life because Jesus died on the Cross for us and rose again.
[1 Peter 3:15]

Positive Forward-Looking Faith:

Always pushing forward to what is ahead. Looking for reasons why we "can" rather than why we can't.
[Philippians 3:13-14]

Encouragement, Honour and Respect:

Love and respect for God means love and respect for each other, so we talk each other up, not down.
[John 13:34]


The Lord deserves our best, and so do the people we serve.
[Colossians 3:23]

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