Leadership Team

Senior Leader and Pastor - Robert Hurter

Pastor Robert’s passion is for mission; he longs to see the church fully mobilised so that it can impact the community with the Good News of Jesus. He loves to see people stepping up to serve Jesus in the local church and believes the local church needs to be a place of Love, hope, healing and grace: authentic relationships connected in harmony with one another.

His desire is to see people transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit working in their lives. He is passionate about raising new leaders, planting healthy life-giving churches and transforming the community. Robert became the Senior Leader and pastor at Bethel  Stonehouse in September 2019. He is now a Full Status Assemblies of God Minister.

Robert is married to Claire since August 2009. Claire is the children’s champion at Bethel; together, they have one child, Ethan, who is finishing high school and moving into a maintenance engineering apprenticeship with Renishaw. They have a heart for people, to see them come to know Jesus and to grow in their relationship with Him. They are excited to see what God will do in the life of  Bethel  Stonehouse. Robert, Claire and Ethan are originally from South Africa, the accent is still there, but the family have lived in U.K since 2016 and this area since 2019 and have grown to love Stonehouse and its surrounding areas. Their passion is to see Bethel  Stonehouse filled with people from the town and beyond who have found Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and lives transformed.

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